Future teachers prepare for Praxis exam | HCTC

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Future teachers prepare for Praxis exam

Dianne Adams teachingMath Professor Dianne Adams provides math instruction to future teachers at the University Center of the Mountains.

HCTC faculty members provided instruction to future teachers at the University Center of the Mountains, located on the Hazard Campus. The UCM offered a free service to UCM and HCTC students preparation for the PRAXIS exam which is administered to those who are preparing for admissions into a Teacher Education Program. UCM Director Dr. Deronda Mobelini noted, We have never offered this service before. However, education advisees had asked for assistance with PRAXIS preparation, and we were able to respond to this need. Student response to the workshop was excellent, so we will offer this again. Information on what to expect for the written, grammar and mathematics sections of the PRAXIS were provided by faculty members Dianne Adams, Lisa Ison and Daniel Madden. HCTC Director of Library Services, Cathy Branson, showed students how to logon to the PRAXIS and other PRAXIS exam resources available online. Professor Dell Sasser provided a mini Test Taking Strategies the following Friday.

Ida Elizabeth Lewis, a student enrolled at Morehead State University, said she was glad she took the PRAXIS preparation class. I appreciated the amount of material that was covered in such a short time. The instructors were great. They were very knowledgeable in their content areas, entertaining, helpful, and willing to answer any questions that we had, she said. Ms. Lewis believes she will perform better on the PRAXIS exam because of the training. This class has helped me in overcoming test anxiety as well as what material the PRAXIS is likely to cover in each of the three tested areas.