Deaton graduates from HCTC Phlebotomy Program | HCTC

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Deaton graduates from HCTC Phlebotomy Program

Edward DeatonAll Edward Deaton knew how to do was coal mining but when he lost his job he knew he had to make a change in careers. He completed the Phlebotomy Program at Hazard Community and Technical College and now he s happily employed at Dr. Hassan Ghazal s medical practice.

At age 45, he never expected he d be making such a major change in his life s profession. He completed the HCTC training this summer which involved working for Dr. Ghazal as part of his training. That connection led to his full-time employment there. I m helping people and I ve always wanted a career where I could do that, he said.
Deaton praises the work of Linda Elkins who taught the HCTC classes and prepared him for the job. He is studying to take a national test so he can work anywhere in the nation, if he chooses.

HCTC obtained an Accelerating Opportunity grant which assisted Deaton and others like him to enroll in the classes which met twice a week, five hours a night. He earned straight A s throughout the program.
Lucy Langdon, Accelerating Opportunity (A.O.) Coordinator, said, Edward was a very committed and hard-working student who showed great pride in his work. He is the first coal miner to complete the Phlebotomy Program although there are several laid off miners in the A.O. welding and collision repair pathways this semester.

In the spring 2015 semester, HCTC is offering A.O. Welding, CNA, and Phlebotomy. All classes will begin Jan 12. Heavy Equipment - Motor Grader Certificate will begin in March. Those interested can contact Ms. Langdon at 606.487.3577. Students can be working on a GED while taking A.O. classes. Tuition assistance may be available. Students enrolled in the Accelerating Opportunities program may also receive tuition assistance by East Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP).

Deaton hopes that other former coal miners would check out the different training programs available at HCTC. He knows he will always have options. While he believes he ll be a Phlebotomist for life, he has considered working as a Registered Nurse and he could get his education from HCTC. I m very thankful for this program and all that was made possible for me.

Deaton is a 1988 Buckhorn High School graduate. He lives with his wife, Amy Lee Deaton, a fourth grade teacher, in Hazard with their sons, Cameron, age 15 and Keenan, age 11.