The HCTC Lineman Training Program is fortunate to receive a Digger Derrick truck from
Kentucky Power Company to be used in electrical lineman classes at the Hazard Technical
Campus. The truck will prove very beneficial to the program as students will learn
how to operate the truck and use it to set poles in the school s pole yard. HCTC s
next electrical lineman class will begin March 2015. Classes run ten and a half weeks.
If interested, please apply through the Kentucky Career Center by making an appointment
with one of their career counselors at 606-436-3161. Class size is limited. Shown
here, from left, are Dr. Jennifer Lindon, Occupational Technologies and Workforce
Solutions Dean; Keila Miller, Workforce Liaison; Dr. Steve Greiner, HCTC president;
and Mike Lasslo, Kentucky Power Company Customer and Distribution Services Manager.
Dr. Greiner noted, HCTC appreciates the generosity of the Kentucky Power Company
and their dedication to our local electrical lineman program.