April Wireman is new HCTC Work and Learn Coordinator
Establishing connections with students in their educational pursuits is the goal for
April Wireman who was hired as the Work and Learn Coordinator at Hazard Community
and Technical College. My work includes providing students with resources that will
support a successful transition into college or a career path, she said.
She is working closely with the local adult education provider and the campus-based Ready-to-Work Coordinator in program/curriculum design for specialized training initiatives. She serves as the primary liaison between and among the KCTCS systems office Ready-to-Work Program Coordinator, the campus-based Ready-to-Work Coordinator, the local adult education provider, local and regional offices of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and other local and regional partners that can facilitate and enhance KCTCS marketing, recruitment and training initiatives for this KTAP GED/ABE population. She began Aug. 17.
I am excited to be in this role. I believe the benefits of the Work amp; Learn program will be far-reaching within our communities, she said.
Mrs. Wireman, of Jackson, holds a master s degree in Human Services from Eastern Kentucky University and a bachelor s degree in Education from the University of Kentucky.
She has been working at HCTC since 2009 as a Student Services Specialist. Prior to that, she worked for the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority amp; the Student Loan People in Frankfort for six years as an Outreach Counselor. Her other jobs include HCTC Coordinator of Financial Aid, Instructional Specialist, HCTC adjunct instructor, UK Office of the Registrar, and UK College of Communications.
April and husband, Mark Wireman, live in Jackson, with their daughter, Lucy.