MSU and HCTC sign joint admission agreements
Morehead State University and Hazard Community and Technical College signed an agreement Wednesday (Oct. 25) to establish a joint admission and reverse transfer program.
The purpose of this agreement, dubbed “Eagle Express,” will be to provide academic advising and admissions counseling for bachelor’s degree seeking students, from the beginning of their college careers at HCTC to the point where they are ready to transition to MSU. Students participating in the program will have the benefit of advising from both schools, unofficial transcript review, and free transcript exchange. In addition, there is no application fee to enter this program.
The Reverse Transfer Agreement will assist students who have transferred to MSU to complete an associate’s degree at HCTC. Students who have completed at least 45 credits at HCTC without completing an associate’s degree will qualify.
Dr. Jennifer Lindon, HCTC president and CEO, and Dr. Jay Morgan, MSU president, signed the agreement on the Hazard Campus. Other personnel attending from MSU were: Dr. Dan Connell, Jen Timmerman, Debbie Holbrook, and Cassandra Sexton. Attending from HCTC were Dr. Deronda Mobelini and Helen F. Brunty.
“We are pleased to be partnering with HCTC to help more students succeed in college. Together, we are answering the challenge to remove barriers which make it difficult for many HCTC alumni to finish a degree,” said Dr. Morgan. “We value our partnership with HCTC and look forward to making it simpler for students to obtain their associate degrees as well.”
“Hazard and the surrounding counties are very important to MSU. It is ever more critical for all of us to work together so that students from across our region have the best possible pathways. We look forward to continuing to work with Hazard Community and Technical College.”
The two institutions also will review the agreement regularly to make sure the course content reflects industry developments, employment trends and accreditation guidelines.
Students interested in learning more about transferring to MSU can contact Debbie Holbrook, MSU Enrollment Services Counselor and Transfer Advisor for Regional Campuses, at 606-783-2000, 800-585-6781. Transfer information also is available on the MSU website at www.moreheadstate.edu/transfer. Students may also contact Dr. Deronda Mobelini, UCM Executive Director, at 606-487-3252.