HCTC students learn about being financially responsible
Learning more about financial matters was the emphasis for 33 Hazard Community and Technical College Ready to Work students who joined up with 22 students from sister college – Big Sandy CTC (BSCTC).
They met Dec. 2 for classes which included: Understanding the Basics of Banking, Money Management/Budgeting, Life After KTAP (The Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program, which helps families pay for household expenses), Building/Rebuilding Credit, and Predatory Lending.
Ginger Carroll, Ready to Work (RTW) Coordinator, helped write the grant to pay for the day of fiscal exploration. The $2,500 Truist Financial Education grant was implemented by Carroll and her fellow Ready to Work Coordinators Shirley Robinson, based at the Lees College Campus, and Kendra Johnson, Technical Campus. Truist bank representatives were on site at BSCTC and was available via teams at the HCTC Lees and Technical campuses. Carroll noted, “The representatives, which were very interactive with the students, offered much information to them, which was appreciated greatly by the students.”
Several former RTW students were invited to speak in a session called Life After KTAP, encouraging the students to stay active in the RTW program because it would only benefit them and to be prepared for what they can expect after KTAP. Other afternoon sessions included more information on Predatory lending, student loans, financial aid, building and rebuilding credit, and the importance of a good credit score.
Each participant received a budget planner, $20 gift card and a chance to win other prizes. HCTC provided each of their students with a t-shirt and other gift items were collected. A survey was sent to each student after the conference, 1 to 5 stars, with the results being mostly all 5 stars. The lowest rating was a 4 star.
In addition to Truist, the HCTC Ready to Work Coordinators appreciate HCTC colleagues for helping make the day a success, including Delcie Combs, Tammy Duff, Ron Brunty, Rebecca Thorpe, Lesa Bryant and Keila Miller.