UK President Capilouto visits HCTC Lees College Campus Manufacturing Engineering Technology program | HCTC

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UK President Capilouto visits HCTC Lees College Campus Manufacturing Engineering Technology program

Hazard Community and Technical College President Dr. Jennifer Lindon hosted University of Kentucky President Dr. Eli Capilouto Tuesday, Sept. 27, at HCTC’s Lees College Campus. The UK group toured the manufacturing and engineering lab and nursing classrooms in the E. O. Robinson Intergenerational Training Center to get a better idea of what HCTC has to offer students in anticipation of a proposed pathway for engineering students wanting to further their education after HCTC.

The UK group included Dr. Capilouto, UK Associate Vice President for Campaign/Major Gifts Brent Pieper, UK Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management Major Tony Colella, Stan and Karen Pigman with the Lighthouse Beacon Foundation, Lighthouse Beacon Foundation Director Melissa Tomlin

“The Lean Systems Engineering Technology proposed 2 + 2 course sequence would allow engineering and manufacturing students who come to HCTC and complete their two-year degree to have the opportunity to continue their education to a four- or more year degree at UK,” Lindon explained. “Students would be able to start school here at home while still being able to get the four-year education that they want.”

HCTC Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MET) Program Coordinator Gary Smith explained that the MET program at HCTC is a fantastic place for anyone to start who is interested in the engineering or manufacturing field but doesn’t necessarily want to move away from the area. 

“At our last graduation ceremony, all of our graduates had a job before they ever crossed the stage, with salaries starting at $25 an hour,” Smith said.

With jobs like that on the horizon for students, Lindon added that her hope would be to entice more students to come through the program with not just job prospects but also further educational prospects. 

“We want to see our program grow to its full potential, and a partnership like this could really make that happen,” she said.

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