Personal Safety Requirements - Student/Employees | HCTC

Personal Safety Requirements - Student/Employees

Email the Healthy @ Work Officer, Vickie Combs at to report any incidents of positive COVID cases or exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID.

Face Coverings/Masking

  • HCTC has a mandatory mask mandate.  Everyone must wear an acceptable mask when inside the HCTC facilities.
  • The mask should cover your nose and mouth.
  • Masks are available at the entrance of each HCTC building should you need one.
  • If you are outside and 6 feet apart, you may remove the mask.
  • If you are eating, you may remove your mask but should put it back on as soon as you are finished eating.
  • If you have a medical issue related to mask wearing, contact the Healthy @ Work Officer, Vickie Combs at


  • Gloves are not required, however for your safety, you should wash your hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer after each equipment use.
  • Frequently touched surfaces and areas (e.g., doorknobs, credit card machines, shared computers) should be sanitized regularly.
  • Each occupied space will have on hand cleaning and disinfecting supplies.

Social Distancing - 3 feet vs 6 feet

  • The 3-foot social distancing requirement applies in classrooms where the room is set up with desks or tables and chairs in a forward-facing position. 
  • The 6-foot social distancing requirement applies in classrooms that are NOT arranged in a forward-facing layout.
  • The 6-foot requirement should be adhered to as much as possible in common areas such as hallways, offices, etc.


  • The Technical Campus buildings are being misted every night due to the large number of in-person students on that campus.
  • Offices or workspaces on other campuses are being misted and cleaned if notified that was an infected person in or near the area.
  • Air purifiers are on site and set up in high traffic areas on multiple campuses.