Program Specific Information | HCTC

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Program Specific Information

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA)

The two-year Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program leads to the Associate in Applied Science degree. The curriculum combines general education and physical therapy courses. Various facilities are utilized for clinical experiences.

Enrollment in this program is limited; therefore, a selective admissions process utilizing a point index system is followed.

Expenses and Financial Assistance

In addition to tuition, students are responsible for transportation to the various clinical sites, housing, professional liability insurance, books, and uniforms. Any student seeking financial assistance should contact the Financial Aid Office.

Students may be required to have a criminal background check and/or drug screening. Students are responsible for the cost. Based on the results, healthcare facilities have the right to deny students admission to the clinical sites.

Program Curriculum

First Year:

Summer Session 

Courses Credit Hours
BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4
ENG 101 Writing I 3
Digital Literacy* 0-3

Fall Semester 

Courses Credit Hours
PTA 101 Orientation to Physical Therapy Practice
PTA 125 Neuroanatomy for the PTA 1
BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
PSY 110 General Psychology

Spring Semester 

Courses Credit Hours
PTA 150 Functional Anatomy & Kinesiology
PTA 160 Medical & Surgical Conditions in Physical Therapy
PTA 170 Clinical Practicum I
PSY 223 Developmental Psychology

Second Year:

Summer Session 

Courses Credit Hours
MAT 150 College Algebra
Oral Communications

Fall Semester 

Courses Credit Hours
PTA 200 Modalities & Procedures in Physical Therapy
PTA 220 Physical Therapy Principles & Procedures
PTA 240 Clinical Practicum II

Spring Semester 

Courses Credit Hours
PTA 250 Neurological Rehabilitation in Physical Therapy
PTA 260 Seminar in Physical Therapy
PTA 280 Clinical Practicum III

*Note: Digital literacy must be demonstrated either by competency exam or by successfully completing a digital literacy course.

Students enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in each required general education course and PTA didactic course; and a grade of pass in each clinical practicum course to complete the program.

Application Process for Admission to the Program

In order to be considered for admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program, the following credentials must be on file by April 1 of each year.

  1. Application for admission to a KCTCS institution.
  2. Official transcripts of all post-secondary education, excluding KCTCS institutions.
  3. ACT National Exam or SAT score report.
  4. Proof of attendance at a pre-admission conference with the coordinator or the coordinator's designee is required prior to an applicant's consideration by the Physical Therapist Assistant Admissions Committee. This must be completed on an annual basis.

Criteria for Admission

  1. Selection of students for the Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program will be made by the presidents of the colleges or the presidents' designee after considering the recommendations of a Physical Therapist Assistant Admissions Committee.
  2. Applicants admitted into the Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program must have completed BIO 137, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, or its equivalent, with a "C" or higher, prior to entering the program.
  3. Applicants admitted into the Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program must have completed a program-approved CPR course prior to entering the program.
  4. Preference may be given to applicants who demonstrate above average standing in high school or on the General Education Development Examination (GED).
  5. Preference may be given to applicants with an ACT national exam composite score of 19 or higher, or the equivalent on the SAT.
  6. Preference may be given to applicants who have completed 12 or more credit hours in the approved curriculum with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher from any accredited college.
  7. Preference may be given to Kentucky residents and applicants from the college service area.
  8. A selective interview process may be employed.

Technical Standards

The physical therapist assistant works in a hands-on situation under the supervision of a physical therapist in providing patient services for the prevention and alleviation of physical impairment and the restoration of function. Therefore, in order to work successfully with patients, all applicants should possess sufficient:

  1. visual acuity, such as observation necessary for administering patient care and reading equipment gauges and settings used in treatments;
  2. auditory perception to receive verbal communication and to execute patient care through the use of monitoring devices;
  3. strength and gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement patient care skills, such as the manipulation of equipment, and positioning and lifting patients;
  4. communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the patient's interest; and,
  5. intellectual and emotional functions to implement the plan of care.


  1. In order to be considered for readmission by the Physical Therapist Assistant Admissions Committee, the applicant must submit a written request to the Physical Therapist Assistant Coordinator, meet current admission guidelines, and may be required to have a PTA faculty member submit a letter of recommendation.
  2. A student may be readmitted to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program once. Students readmitted may be required to furnish evidence of remedial study, additional preparation, or resolution of factors contributing to previous unsuccessful completion.
  3. The student may be readmitted a second time only if recommended by the Physical Therapist Assistant Admissions Committee and if the student furnishes sufficient evidence of remedial study, additional preparation or resolution of factors contributing to previous unsuccessful completion. Under no circumstances will a student be readmitted a third time.
  4. If more than 3 years have elapsed since first enrolled in any Physical Therapist Assistant program, an applicant must repeat all Physical Therapist Assistant program courses.
  5. Readmission will be considered only if a vacancy exists in the class in which the student wishes to re-enroll.


  1. Applicants who wish to transfer from one KCTCS Physical Therapist Assistant program to another, or from a Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant program outside of KCTCS:
    1. must meet all admission requirements of the receiving institution;
    2. must submit a written request stating anticipated entry date and reason for transfer to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Coordinator of the receiving institution;
    3. must have a faculty member from the program previously attended submit a letter of recommendation to the receiving institution;
    4. may be awarded transfer credit if the sequence and course content parallel those courses offered by the receiving institution; and,
    5. may be required to meet readmission standards if deemed necessary by the admissions committee.
  2. If more than 3 years have elapsed since first enrolled in a Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant program, the applicant must repeat all Physical Therapist Assistant program courses.
  3. Applicants wishing to transfer from a Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant program:
    1. should apply at least two months prior to the beginning of the semester in which they wish to enroll;
    2. may be awarded transfer credit if the sequence and course content parallel those courses required in the KCTCS Physical Therapist Assistant curriculum; determination to be made by the Program Coordinator of the receiving institution;
    3. may be awarded transfer credit if the sequence and course content do not parallel those courses required in the Physical Therapist Assistant program under the following condition(s):
      1. only after careful evaluation of transcripts and course syllabi by the Physical Therapist Assistant Program Coordinator, Registrar, and Admissions Committee;
      2. after successful completion of a special examination or additional course(s) deemed necessary by the Admissions Committee in order to enter or complete the program.
    4. will be considered for admission only if a vacancy exists in the class in which they wish to enroll.

Student Outcomes

Graduation Rate Data:

(Utilizing the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education Annual Accreditation Report Graduation Rate Calculation)

Graduation Year Graduation Rate
2018 80.0%
2019 95.2%
2020 81.2%

Two-Year Average Graduation Rate:

2018-2019  87.6%
2019-2020  88.2%

Licensure Examination Two-Year Ultimate Pass Rate:

Two-Year Ultimate Pass Rate utilizing The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy formula.

Weighted Average Ultimate Pass Rate 2016-2017: 96.30

Weighted Average Ultimate Pass Rate 2017-2018: 96.55

Weighted Average Ultimate Pass Rate 2018-2019: 100.00

Weighted Average Ultimate Pass Rate 2019-2020 87.10


Employment Rate:

Employment rates for graduates who passed the National Physical Therapy Examination, sought employment, and were employed as PTAs within one year of graduation:

Graduation Year Employment Rate
2018 100%
2019 100%
2020 100%

Two-Year Average Employment Rate:

2018-2019   100%
2019-2020  100%

Contact Information

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Faculty

Tracy Bowling, PT, MS, DPT, Professor

Jill Dixon, PT, DPT, Associate Professor

Dawn Stamper, PT, DPT, Associate Professor

Program Assistant

April Baker, Program Assistant

Call toll-free: (800) 246-7521, ext. 73394

Accreditation Status

CAPTE verify accreditation status

The Physical Therapist Assistant Regional Program at Hazard Community & Technical College/Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 606-487-3379 or email