Proctored Testing
What is the Testing Center?
Some courses require that exams be proctored: taking an exam in a controlled location
under the supervision of a proctor, who monitors students during the exam period.
The Testing Center provides for these proctored examinations.
Proctored Exams
Proctored exams require students to take an examination in a controlled location under
the supervision of a proctor, who monitors students during the exam period. A proctored
exam permits instructors to limit student access to certain materials such as books,
notes, and the Internet and to verify the identity of the individual taking the exam.
Not all instructors use proctored exams, but if your instructor requires a proctored
exam be sure to schedule your test proctoring day in advance.
If you are a HCTC student you will need to schedule and request test proctoring days and times. If you are a student from another KCTCS College but are taking the class through HCTC, you will need to check the contact for your closest location to take the proctored exam.
What is required to use the Testing Center?
- A KCTCS login is required to use the Testing Center.
You must also:
- Have an official picture ID
- Know the name of your class and teacher
- Have made an appointment 72 business hours in advance using the Proctor Exam Online Request.
Do I need to make an appointment?
Yes. All appointments are scheduled online and advanced registration is required using the Proctor Exam Online Request. Schedule three business days (72 business hours) in advance of the time you want to begin your test. “Business days/hours” refer to hours of operation within the regular work week. Therefore, if you submit a request on Sunday morning or on a holiday, be aware that the request may not be reviewed until Monday morning at the start of “business” hours, so do not expect a response before Thursday morning (or 72 hours after that Monday morning).
The Testing Center is on the Hazard Campus of HCTC in the First Federal Center, Room 211. On the Lees College Campus in Jackson, Kentucky, proctored testing is provided by Student Services in the Robert L. Telford Technology Center.
Have the following information available when you request a proctored exam: your name and contact information (phone and email), the instructors name and contact information, the course name, number, and section (example: MAT 150 45Z1), estimated time/length of test, campus choice, and three dates and times for the exam. Specific hardware or software needs to be indicated at the time of making a test appointment to ensure the testing center can accommodate special testing. Some testing centers do not have the ability to add hardware or software.
Reminders: The instructor must register the course with passwords and unique course software or requirements as well as supplemental materials through Sharepoint on the KCTCS Distance Learning Proctor Resource Center (contact your DL Peer Team Member for assistance).
What are my responsibilities as a student?
Students must:
- Schedule their test 72 business hours (three days) in advance.
- Know the name, number, and section of the course for which they are testing.
- Know the instructor’s name and the instructor’s testing requirements.
- Know if specific hardware or software is needed. Some testing centers may not have the ability to add hardware or software.
- Know their college ID number and bring a picture ID.
- Know the location of the Testing Center and the test’s length.
- Notify the instructor if they miss a testing window.
- Notify the instructor if there is a technology failure.
- Follow the rules of the Testing Center, including a ban on cell phones during testing.
How much does it cost to use the Testing Center?
The Testing Center is free for all KCTCS students. A fee is charged for testing for colleges outside the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. Students who are requesting a proctored exam for a non-KCTCS institution should contact the Testing Center for an invoice. The fee for non-KCTCS testing is $25.00.
Are there any general guidelines on testing?
Yes and include:
- A picture ID and Student ID number are required for testing (example of number: 00_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, the numbers currently begin with 00 followed by seven additional numbers).
- Time limits for testing date, availability, and test duration are all set by the instructor and posted.
- If specific hardware or software is needed, the student must contact the testing center prior to the test date to ensure the testing center can accommodate special testing. Some testing centers do not have the ability to add hardware or software.
- No cell phone, watches, or personal computers are allowed to remain visible.
- Student must be aware of Testing Center hours of operation.
- Technology failure options are set by the instructor.
- Supplemental materials such as calculators, dictionaries, textbooks, may be allowed. (The instructor must specify these items in their request).
- Student may be required to log into a class.
- Postal mailing of materials to a faculty member MAY be required. (If this is the case, the student is responsible for the address and postage. The proctor will place the material in the mail.)
- A password may be entered by the proctor to access the test. Some testing materials are housed in the Testing Center.