HCTC Board of Directors Board Meeting | HCTC

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HCTC Board of Directors Board Meeting

Hazard Community & Technical College 
Board of Directors Meeting
May 6, 2024, 6:00 p.m. ET
Multipurpose Room
Lees College Campus
601 Jefferson Ave., Jackson, Ky. 41339

The meeting can be accessed by entering the following Microsoft Teams prompts: 
  • Meeting ID: 268 986 000 493
  • Passcode: KoWQeP

  1. Approval of minutes from Feb. 22, 2024 meeting
  2. Action Items
    1. 2024-25 annual budget needs request
  3. President's report
    1. Quality Enhancement Plan introduction/review
    2. Highlights
  4. President’s evaluation
  5. Board open discussion
  6. Adjournment