HCTCs Misty Frazier coordinates Human Services Program
The Human Services field is growing at a rapid pace and careers in the field of human
services and social work are both varied and numerous in today s job market. The Human
Services Program at Hazard Community and Technical College continues to grow likewise
and recently hired Misty Frazier as the new program coordinator.
Frazier wants the program to be more accessible to more students so all of her lecture classes will be taught online through distance learning. In-person contact will be required for course components that include observation, community projects and practicum placement in an agency setting. We will encompass the critical elements of application and clinical field experience throughout the program, she said.
Misty graduated from Morehead State University with a bachelor s degree in 2001 and a master s degree from the University of Kentucky in 2011. She has worked in direct service her entire career. Her life s work has evolved around: working in residential treatment centers for juveniles, treatment programs for sexual offenders, community mental health services, and now college instructor. I have witnessed many positive changes in others lives and watched communities get better and safer as a result of social work in action. I am very excited to be able to join the HCTC team, she said.
Her teaching style includes serving as a facilitator. Misty promotes self-learning and helps students develop critical thinking skills and retain knowledge that leads to self-actualization. I adapt my teaching methods to meet the needs of the students. My vital role is to engage them in the learning process. Students can expect to see various delivery methods to encompass all learners powerpoint, lecture, videos, group assignments, discussions, hands-on activities that involve going out into the field, plus more, she said.
Careers in Human Services include gerontology aide, child advocate, child abuse case worker, social work assistant, assistant case manager, life skills counselor, social services technician, drug abuse counselor, adult day care worker, mental health aide, crisis intervention counselor, therapeutic assistant or even probation officer. Human services and social work opportunities are available at every point where individuals interact with their environments.
Frazier looks forward to her future. HCTC is a lovely campus with friendly faces around every corner. I felt at home here the moment I walked in. It is an honor to teach amongst this staff and it is a blessing to have HCTC for the betterment and benefit of our community, she said.
Misty is originally from Perry County although she has lived in Montgomery County
for the past 15 years. Since accepting this new Coordinator position, she is planning
to move back to the area within the next year.
She and her husband, James Frazier, have two children Tristan, age 17 and Alexandria,
age 8.
Interested in enrolling in the Human Services program? Call (606) 436-5721 and ask for the Admissions Office today!