Dr. Louise Howell honored with HCTC Distinguished Service Award
Dr. T. Louise Howell is honored with the HCTC Distinguished Service Award, presented
by Dr. Steve Greiner, president of Hazard Community and Technical College. The award
was presented by the HCTC Board of Directors.
Hazard Community and Technical College Board of Directors presented its highest honor
to Dr. T. Louise Howell by presenting her with the Distinguished Service Award for
her outstanding contributions to HCTC, the community, and education. Pat Wooton, chair
of the Board of Directors and HCTC President Dr. Steve Greiner presented the award
to Dr. Howell during the annual Hazard-Perry County Chamber of Commerce Civic Night.
Dr. Howell s influence, advocacy, philanthropy and leadership are recognized by HCTC. She is President of Community Care Development and Management Inc. in Jackson. Prior to that, she served for 20 years as Executive Director of Kentucky River Community Care Inc. in Jackson. Her professional career also includes Program Manager for Bluegrass Comprehensive Care Center, Legislative Analyst with the Legislative Research Commission, Consultant with the Kentucky Commission on Women, and three roles at Big Sandy Mountain Comprehensive Care Center Outpatient Therapist, Director of Children s Services, and Outpatient Clinic Supervisor. Her first job out of college was counselor and psychology instructor at Alice Lloyd College.
She currently serves as an active member of the 1st Trust Bank Board of Directors, Coalition on Appalachian Substance Abuse Policy as Treasurer, Appalachian Health Policy Advisory Council Commission, Kentucky Association of Regional Programs Board of Directors and the Appalachian Leadership and Community Outreach Board of Directors. She has also served on the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and the Kentucky Center for Public Issues.
Dr. Howell earned her Ph.D. in 1985 from the University of Louisville. She is a graduate of the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville where she earned a master s degree. She also has a master s degree in Personnel and Counseling in Higher Education from Eastern Kentucky University and her bachelor s degree is from UK in English and psychology.