An Alumni Moment: Bea Howard Young
Bea Howard Young is a 1982 graduate of Lees College. She will be attending the Lees
College Homecoming Celebration which is scheduled for October 25 and 26 on the Lees
College Campus. Bea credits Lees College for providing the foundation that enabled
her to be successful. She was complimentary of several Lees College professors, including
Jack Payne and Marilyn Brown, who were especially helpful to her during her tenure
at Lees. Mr. Payne taught Psychology and Mrs. Brown was a Sociology professor at the
college. Mr. Payne and Mrs. Brown were so helpful and their classes were always interesting
to me. I decided to go into social work because of their concern for people and students.
I could name many other memorable staff members, like Virgil Lykins in Admissions,
who encouraged me to attend college. Fred Landrum and Dr. Troy Eslinger were always
accessible, and they both encouraged me to stay in school and do well in my classes.
Bea Young currently lives in South Bend, Indiana. She works for the state of Indiana as a Community Support Specialist and is a licensed realtor. She and her husband Tom also own the Young Oil Company, INC which keeps her very busy. Bea is very proud of her two sons and their success. Tom graduated from the University of Notre Dame with honors and Todd is a senior at the University of Indiana in Bloomington. Bea Howard Young is proud to be a graduate of Lees College and she encourages all her friends and family to attend this year s reunion event!