HCTC Student Printing Policy | HCTC

HCTC Campuses Operating Remotely Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024

All Hazard Community & Technical College (HCTC) campuses will operate remotely tomorrow, Sept. 10, 2024. Instruction and services will continue for students virtually. Please check Blackboard and your email for announcements.

HCTC Student Printing Policy

Hazard Community and Technical College is pleased to announce that the college is 
allowing HCTC and University Center of the Mountains students up to 500 pages in free 
printing. HCTC understands the importance of student research and wants to make 
printing available to all students.

Any student needing to print more than 500 pages will be able to purchase a “Printer Top
Up Card” that can be purchased in amounts of $1.00, $5.00 or $10.00 from the local 
Business Office at the Hazard, Technical and Lees Campus, and can be purchased at the 
Administrative Offices on the Leslie and Knott Campuses. 

To help students be aware of their printing a “Paper Cut” icon will be loaded to the 
computer desktop that shows the amount of pages remaining along with a print history. 
This icon also displays the link to add additional increments from purchased printing 
cards. Please see below the additional pages that can be purchased and the costs.

$5.00 card is worth 100 pages
$10.00 card is worth 200 pages. 

Students will receive a warning on their desktop when their Printing balance is $2.50, 
which will allow the printing of 50 more pages. Once these 50 pages print, no further 
copies can be printed without securing a “Printer Top UP Card” and entering the account 