Education Teacher Preparation | HCTC

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Education Teacher Preparation

Lead with passion, teach with purpose- build a brighter future.

Program Contact
Jackie Fugate
Program Coordinator
(606) 487-3380
GET STARTED TODAY (855) 646-4282


what is education: teacher preparation?

Teachers make a difference every day in the lives of students. Educators shape the future by impacting students’ views, nurturing creativity, developing character, and giving students lenses with which to view the world. The Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS) – Education: Educator Preparation Program prepares students who choose to enter the workforce as a teacher’s aide, full-time substitute, or instructional aide; or begin coursework toward a bachelor’s degree in education upon transfer from HCTC. HCTC can assist the student in transferring to regional universities. 

Getting Started

What are my degree, diploma, and certificate options?

Educator Preparation Checklist

This program has a variety of pathways for transfer to a four-year university. Please make sure you are speaking with the AAS Education Program Advisor, the UCM, and the four-year university advisor to ensure the classes taken will counts toward your bachelor’s degree.
Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hours
ENG 101 Writing I 3
ENG 102 Writing II 3
COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3
HIS 108 OR
HIS 109
History of the US through 1865 OR
History of the US Since 1865
MAT 146 OR
MAT 150
Contemporary College Mathematics*|** OR
College Algebra^
Check transfer requirement for math
PSY 110 General Psychology 3

Natural Sciences
Preferred Courses for Transfer
BIO 112 Intro to Biology
BIO 113 Intro to Biology Lab

GLY 101 Physical Geology*
GLY 111 Physical Geology Lab*
CHE 140 Intro General Chemistry^
CHE 145 Intro General Chem Lab ^

  Social and Behavioral Sciences 
Preferred Courses for Transfer

POL 101 American Government
GEO 152 Regional Geography of the World@
  Arts and Humanities
Preferred Courses for Transfer:
ENG 161 Intro to Literature** OR

*Morehead State Requirement
^Northern Kentucky University Requirement
**Western Kentucky University Requirement
@Counts as culture competence course

Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hours
EDU 204 Tech in Classroom (Digital Literacy) 3
EDU 201 An Introduction to American Education 3
EDP 202 Human Development and Learning 3
EDP 203 Teaching Exceptional Learners in Regular Classrooms 3
  Electives 15

Preferred Elective Courses for transfer.
FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success (3)
MAT 205 Math for Elementary/Middle School Teachers I (3)
MAT 206 Math for Elementary/Middle School Teachers II (3)

EDU 270 Elementary School Literature*^ (3) OR
HIS 101 World Civilization I** (3)

ART 208 Intro to Art Education (3)** OR
MUS 223 Music for Elementary Teachers*** OR
^To be determined for 5th Elective


*Morehead State Requirement
^Northern Kentucky University Requirement
**Western Kentucky University Requirement

This program has a variety of pathways for transfer to a four-year university. Please make sure you are speaking with the AAS Education Program Advisor, the UCM, and the four-year university advisor to ensure the classes taken will counts toward your bachelor’s degree.

Below is the suggested sequence that include requirements for Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University, and Western Kentucky University.

Semester 1
Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hours
COM 181 Basic Public Speaking 3
EDU 201 An Introduction to American Education 3
ENG 101 Writing I 3
  Elective: FYE 105 Achieving Academic Success 3
Natural Sciences BIO 112 Intro to Biology
BIO 113 Intro to Biology Lab
Semester 2
Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hours
EDU 204 Tech in the Classroom (Digital Literacy) 3
ENG 102 Writing II 3
HIS 108 Or HIS 109 History of the US through 1865 OR History of the US Since 1865 3
MAT 146 OR MAT 150 Contemporary College Mathematics*|** OR College Algebra^
Check transfer requirement for math, if unsure, take MAT 150
PSY 110 General Psychology 3
Semester 3
Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hours
  Elective: MAT 205 Math for Elementary/Middle School Teachers (3) 3

EDU 270 Elementary School Literature* ^ (3) OR
HIS 101 World Civilization I ** (3) 


Social & Behavioral Sciences Course POL 101 American Government (3)


Social & Behavioral Sciences Course
GEO 152 Regional Geography of the World (3)@

Semester 4
Course Prefix Course Title Credit Hourse
EDP 203 Teaching Exceptional Learners in Regular Classrooms 3
  Elective: MAT 206 Math for Elementary/Middle School Teachers II (3 3

Natural Sciences
GLY 101 Physical Geology (3)*
GLY 111 Physical Geology Lab (1)*
CHE 140 Intro General Chemistry (3)^
CHE 145 Intro General Chem Lab (1)^
TBD **


ART 208 Intro to Art Education (3)** OR
MUS 223 Music for Elementary Teachers*/** OR
^To be determined for 5th Elective


@count as culture competence course and required for general education certification.

*Morehead State Requirement

^Northern Kentucky University Requirement

**Western Kentucky University Requirement 

What Else Do I Need to Know?

Length of Program

You can earn an associate in applied science degree in two years if you maintain full-time status.

The University Center of the Mountains (UCM)

Under Kentucky's 2+2 Teacher Prep Partnership, you can become a full-time teacher at your own pace. HCTC has several partnerships with public and private universities and state agencies to guarantee that your credits transfer. Working through the UCM gives students direct guidance to a selected university.

The UCM provides increased access to bachelor's and master's degree programs for traditional and non-traditional students by hosting select programs closer to home or connecting students to online programs. By offering local and flexible class options to Eastern Kentuckians, UCM's goal is to overcome geographic and financial challenges which have previously made it difficult to earn a post-secondary education. The AAS Education has transfer options and can assist in transfer guidance for a bachelor's degree in Education. Contact the UCM today!

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