Pre-Admission Conference
- The Radiography program is a regional program sponsored by HCTC and SKCTC through a consortium agreement between the two institutions.
- This is a two-year program leading to the Associate in Applied Science degree in Radiography. This program prepares the individual to become a radiographer who is capable of safely administering ionizing radiation for medical diagnostic imaging purposes.
- The curriculum comprises specialized courses in radiography, along with concentrated study in the basic sciences, mathematics, and general education.
- Upon completion of the Radiography program, graduates are eligible to apply to take the examination for registration as a radiographer by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
- According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics - Overall employment of radiologic technologists is projected to grow 9 percent from 2018 to 2028, faster than the average for all occupations. As the population grows older, there will be an increase in medical conditions that require imaging as a tool for making diagnoses.
- Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College and Hazard Community and Technical College are accredited by the Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033; Telephone: (404) 679-4500.
- The HCTC/SKCTC Regional Radiography Program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education of Radiologic Technologist (JRCERT); 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182; Telephone: (312) 704-5300; Fax: (312) 704-5304; Website: www.jrcert.org; Email: mail@jrcert.org.
If you would like to learn more about the radiography profession, visit the following web site and watch the videos produced by the American Society of Radiologic Technologist (ASRT).
Careers in Radiologic Technology
- Radiography
- Introduction to Radiologic Technology
- Interactive Television (ITV) classrooms will be used to deliver classroom instruction on the Hazard Campus of HCTC and the Whitesburg Campus SKCTC. This arrangement enables students to take course work at the campus closest to their homes.
- The laboratory components of the regional Radiography program are offered on the Whitesburg Campus of SKCTC and the Hazard Campus of HCTC.
- Clinical learning experiences are held at modern healthcare delivery facilities located throughout Eastern Kentucky and Southwest Virginia. Students are required to provide their own transportation.
- The program clinical facilities require criminal background checks and drug screenings prior to students beginning clinical rotations.
HCTC/SKCTC Regional Radiography Program
Associate in Applied Science Degree Curriculum
- *PRE-REQUISITE FOR ENTRY INTO PROGRAM (Must be completed prior to taking IMG 100)
- *BIO 137 Human Anatomy & Physiology I .......................... 4
- BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology II ......................... 4
- General Education Credits
- (General education courses can be completed while active in the Regional Radiography Program).
- MA 109/MT 150/MAT 150 College Algebra OR .................. 3
- Higher Level Quantitative Reasoning ............................... (3)
- ENG 101 Writing I ............................................................... 3
- PHY 171 Applied Physics OR ............................................... 4
- PHY 172 Physics for Health Sciences OR .......................... (2)
- PHY 152 Introductory Physics .......................................... (3)
- CLA 131 Medical Terminology from Greek and Latin OR .... 3
- AHS 115 Medical Terminology OR ................................... (3)
- AHS 120 Medical Terminology ......................................... (1)
- Heritage/Humanities .......................................................... 3
- Social/Behavioral Sciences .................................................. 3
- Subtotal ................................................ 23-27
- Additional General Education: (Highly Recommended for Transfer)
- PSY 223 Life Span Psychology ................................ (3)
- ENG 102 Writing II ........................................................... (3
HCTC/SKCTC Regional Radiography Program Associate in Applied Science Degree Curriculum
- Radiography Program Requirements
- IMG 100 Radiography I ....................................................... 7
- IMG 101 Radiography I Clinical .......................................... 4
- IMG 110 Radiography II ...................................................... 7
- IMG 111 Radiography II Clinical .......................................... 4
- Second Year - SUMMER SESSION
- IMG 201 Radiography III Clinical ......................................... 3
- IMG 210 Radiography IV ..................................................... 4
- IMG 211 Radiography IV Clinical ........................................ 6
- IMG 220 Radiography V ...................................................... 4
- IMG 221 Radiography V Clinical ......................................... 6
- Subtotal ..................................................... 45
- Total Credits ......................................... 68-72
- *Note: Digital Literacy must be demonstrated either by competency exam or by successfully completing a digital literacy course. Documentation of computer literacy as defined by KCTCS is required prior to admission to IMG Courses. Competency exam or college level courses: CIS 100, CIT 105, OST 105, CAD 103, DLC 100, IMD 100 or VCC 150.
- General Education courses other than the prerequisites BIO 137 and BIO 139 may be completed while in the program.
Technical Standards (Non-Academic) :
Radiography involves the provision of direct care for individuals and is characterized by the application of verified knowledge in the skillful performance of radiological technical functions. Therefore, all applicants should possess sufficient:
- visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of
contrast media and for the observation necessary for patient assessment and nursing
- auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the
health team and to assess health needs of people using monitoring devices such as
cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, fire alarms, etc.
- gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills,
including the manipulation of equipment, positioning and lifting patients required
in meeting health needs related to radiologic technology.
- communication skills (speech, reading, writing) to interact with individuals and to
communicate their needs promptly and effectively, as may be necessary in the patient’s/client’s
- intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement care for individuals.
To be considered for admission to the Regional Radiography Program, the following credentials must be on file in the Records Office (HCTC) or the Admissions Office (SKCTC) prior to April 1.
- Active KCTCS college application. This must be updated on an annual basis per HCTC/SKCTC policy.
- Transcripts of all post-secondary education or training.
- Results of the ACT exam.
- Documentation of allied health professional licensing/certification, if applicable. Note: Certification needs to be turned into Radiography Office assistant. E-mail may be found on last slide.
- Documentation of Pre-admission conference is required prior to the applicant’s consideration by the Radiography Admissions Committee. This must be completed on an annual basis per HCTC/SKCTC policy.
- Complete the application to the Radiography Program
All students are responsible for verifying the availability and accuracy of submitted data for their files to be complete.
Admission to the Regional Radiography Program is open to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status and without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, marital status, age, national origin, or handicap. Admission is granted to applicants with the highest index points. (The program index point information is located on the program web pages).
Index points are achieved in the following manner:
1.Preference may be given to applicants with an ACT score of 21 or higher.
- Preference may be given to applicants who have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better (4-point scale) in 10 hours or more of college credit applicable to the radiography program.
- Preference may be given to applicants who have completed the biological, physical sciences and mathematics courses listed in the radiography curriculum with a grade of “C” or better.
- Preference may be given to applicants who are registered and/or licensed in an allied health profession
To be considered competitive for admission the following minimum criteria applies:
- A composite ACT score of 19 or better.
- A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or better.
Meeting these minimal criteria should not be interpreted to mean that you will be admitted to the Regional Radiography Program.
Admission Criteria Index Points
The overall criteria of each applicant will be considered and assigned a point value as indicated below:
- ACT ACT Composite Score Points
19-21 2
22-25 3
26-30 4
II.Number of College Hours Completed:
* Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to receive these points.
Hours Points
Greater than 50 5
41-50 4
31-40 3
21-30 2
10-20 1
* Applicants with less than 10 hours of college credit must submit a current high school transcript or GED score report for evaluation. Index points will be determined on the following basis:
High School Class Rank Points GED Scores Points
Top 5% 5 >60 5
Top 10% 3 54-59 3
Top 25% 1 45-53 1
<24% 0 <45 0
III. Overall GPA:
* Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better based on college hours.
GPA Points
3.75 – 4.00 4
3.50 – 3.74 3
3.25 – 3.49 2
3.00 – 3.24 1
<3.00 0
To be considered competitive for admission the following criteria applies:
- A composite ACT score of 19 or better.
- A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or better at the college level.
Math & Science Courses:
*Completed courses with a grade of “C” will receive 1 point each and completed
courses with a grade of “B” or “A” will receive 2 points per course.
Ten (10) point’s maximum for completion of the following math and science courses:
BIO 137 / BIO 139;
PHY 152 / PHY 171/ PHY172 or courses greater than PHY 171;
MT 150 / MAT 150 or courses greater than MT 150 / MAT 150.
Chemistry courses greater than introductory.
- Allied Health Professionals:
Preference may be given to candidates who are registered and/or licensed in the allied health profession, including active status on a state aide registry (1 point). Turn in certification to Radiography office assistant.
Pre-Requisites for entry into the program:
BIO 137/BIO 139 Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II
The Radiography Admissions Committee is made up of faculty and staff from HCTC and SKCTC.
The top 24 students will be recommended for admission according to their index point standing. Alternates will be selected according to their index standing as well.
Final Selection of students for the program will be made by the president of the college or the president’s designee after considering the recommendation of the Radiography Admissions Committee.
After selection is made a letter will be sent to the applicant. There is a letter for admitted students, those for the alternate list, and those not selected. The admitted students and those selected for the alternate list will have to return documentation of their intent to accept their selection or decline. This will be done through the U.S. Mail and e-mail.
Selective Admissions Information
The following documents must be in your Selective Admissions File for it to be complete:
- Current/Active KCTCS college application. Must be updated on an annual basis per HCTC/SKCTC policy.
- Transcripts of all post-secondary education or training. (HCTC transcripts sent to Registrar/Records Office and SKCTC transcripts sent to Admission Office.) These cannot be hand delivered. We recommend using a digital credential service. Such as: www.parchment.com or www.getmytranscript.com
- Results of the ACT Exam score.
- Documentation of allied health professional licensing/certification if applicable.
(None KCTCS credentials must be turned in to the radiography faculty or staff.)
Only complete Selective Admissions files will be considered for admission to the Regional Radiography (IMG) Program.
- You must complete the program application.
- During the program application you will choose campus of preference or if you do not have a preference. Preferences will be considered until the seats are full on a particular campus.
Deadline for submission of materials is April 1st to be considered
for the Regional Radiography (IMG) Program.
REMEMBER, it is your responsibility to ensure your IMG Selective Admissions File is complete.
Submit documents to HCTC Registrar/Records Office
Submit documents to SKCTC Admissions Office
Deadline for submission of materials is April 1 to be considered
for the Regional Radiography (IMG) Program.
REMEMBER, it is your responsibility to ensure your IMG Selective Admissions File is complete.
- Additional Program information may be found on the HCTC or SKCTC Radiography Program web page (where you are now).
- Some topics included are listed below:
- Program Expenses
- More about the program.
- Mission statement and goals
- Astor Halcomb Jr. Program Coordinator
E-mail : astor.halcomb@kctcs.edu , Phone #606 589 3310 - Tim Whittaker Program Faculty
E-mail : tim.whittaker@kctcs.edu , Phone # 606 487 3390 - Brittany Anderson Clinical Coordinator
E-mail: banderson0138@kctcs.edu , Phone #606 589 3300 - Office Assistants: April Baker
E-mail: abaker0275@kctcs.edu phone # 606 487 3394 - Shane Gibson E-mail: mgibson0294@kctcs.edu
phone # 606 589 3360
- Link to Preadmission Check List
- https://forms.office.com/r/9kX4rrF96F