Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) | HCTC

Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

Healthy at HCTC

COVID-19 changed the world. As we worked through spring semester, going from in-person experiences to remote, one thing became clear: we all want to be together again.



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HCTC Updates

Hello HCTC students!  


I hope the summer is going well for you and that life is beginning to calm down a little. With COVID cases going up and down, I know much is still uncertain.  But one thing is certain.  HCTC is still here for you to continue to work toward and achieve your educational goals.  Below is a brief summary of what we have been working on and what is coming up for fall. 


1) HCTC has been working on a complete, succinct Return to Campus/Reopening Plan for students, employees, and visitors.  It should be finalized next week, and I will get the link out to everyone. While we were never truly closed, this document will answer questions that students and employees have regarding returning to campus. 

2) Thanks to all of you who returned the last two weeks of May to complete your technical lab courses!  We were able to receive an exception from the Governor and through very safe practices, had some students back on campuses to complete courses such as welding, diesel technology, construction, etc.  All went well with no incidents. 

3) While June summer courses were online,  there will be some July in-person courses on campuses, such as heavy equipment and nurse aide. 

4) For Fall, we will have online and in-person classes. All courses will have a Blackboard online shell so we are prepared if needed to go oniline. We (students and employees) will be practicing social distancing, wearing masks. and will have small class sizes and larger classrooms where needed.  Plexi-glass has been installed in many areas and we are and have been using hospital-grade disinfectant for quite some time.  I assure you that we have a very safe environment and are doing all we can to protect students and employees. 

5) We have a variety of course options including 8 and 12 week for fall and some courses that will end before the Thanksgiving Break. We are doing all we can to ensure your success. 

6) We have student services personnel available on the Hazard and Lees College Campuses. Technical Campus students may come to the Hazard Campus. I encourage you to enroll now to get the classes you want. We can work with your virtually or you can set up an appointment or walk-in.  Things may look a little differnet but we are employing safe practices to serve you as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Contact our admissions office at 606-487-3293 or 1-800-246-7521 for questions related to admissions or scheduling, and we can get you to the right person.  Please encourage new students to come in and get their financial aid, etc. completed now so they won't have delays for fall. 

7) To assist with financial issues caused by COVID, we have been awarding federal CARES dollars to eligible students.  These are federal grant dollars that do not have to be paid back.  We still have some limited funds available. The link to apply is under the announcements section on our web page. 

8) Finally, I will be hosting a Facebook Live for any questions you may have about returning on July 1 at 2 PM.  Please join us!


Stay healthy, safe, and #HCTCstrong! i look forward to seeing you on campus. 

Jennifer Lindon
HCTC President

I am pleased to announce that we opened our doors on the Hazard, Technical, and Lees College Campuses  of HCTC June 1 for on-campus student services.  If you need assistance with registration, financial aid, advising, or to pay a bill, we do have limited staff on campuses.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited to the number of people we are allowed to have working on campuses.   Students are asked to wear a mask and respect social distancing guidelines when on campus.  You are also encouraged to call for an appointment to avoid long waits.  Please call 487-3293 for admissions or our general number at 1-800-246-7521 or 436-5721 and dial a zero for the operator to get assistance. We do still have folks working from home as well and they are available to assist you remotely.  Thank you in advance for your patience and we look forward to assisting you!

Jennifer Lindon
HCTC President

Beginning August 17, fall term classes at Hazard Community  and Technical College System will be offered in a variety of formats (barring any further disruption from the pandemic).

HCTC will offer fully online classes as well as face-to-face classes  and some options that are a mixture of both. Face-to-face classes will have a strong online or remote instruction part, so if in-person classes must move online for a while the transition will be easier for students. The college also will offer a variety of scheduling options, including 16-week, 12-week  and 8-week sessions. 

HCTC President Dr. Jennifer Lindon encourages students to apply now for classes beginning this fall, as well as summer classes. “We offer a wide variety of classes, including training for remote jobs. We are seeing folks like the flexibility of working from home. Regardless of the career choice, HCTC is a good place to start.” 

HCTC is developing plans to meet social distancing  and health requirements  and strengthening virtual student support for online  and remote classes. 

HCTC has a few hands-on summer classes tentatively scheduled based on Gov.  Andy Beshear’s timelines for facility use. Students  and prospective students can enroll online or call admissions at 487-3293.  

 HCTC will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation  and follow the governor’s guidelines regarding higher education for the fall term.

Jennifer Lindon
HCTC President    

For those of you who have completed your Spring 2020 semester, congratulations and thank you for sticking it out with us! For those who are still taking finals and or waiting to complete lab hours, hang in there.  You will make it!  The sixteen colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, including HCTC, are preparing for a phased-in reopening.  We have been working with the Governor's Office and the Council on Postsecondary Education.  The tentative partial reopening date is May 18.  This date is flexible and could change depending on direction from the Governor, the CDC, and local public health officials.  If you need to make up lab or clinical hours, we will be getting in contact with you within the next week regarding more details once they are approved.  We understand students have varying schedules and will be as flexible as possible and work with you on a case-by-case basis if needed.  Please stay tuned and I appreciate your patience. 

For those of you who are completing your credential this May, congratulations! You should be proud of the educational goals you have accomplished.   While we have delayed our ceremony that would have been May 9, we will celebrate you in a variety of ways.  We will be putting messages on Facebook, in the local newspapers,  banners on campuses, and with cards in the mail.  A special video will be played on Facebook and sent out via email on Saturday as well.  While it won't be the same, we will recognize you.  If you are the recipient of an academic achievement or divisional award, we will notify you within the next two weeks and your name will be placed in your local newspaper as well. We are also planning the rescheduled spring graduation ceremony tentatively the first weekend of October.  

One big question is still regarding  the CARES Act Emergency Relief Funds for students. Community and technical colleges do not fall under the same guidelines as the universities and we are still awaiting our student application.  HCTC has completed all necessary paperwork with the U.S. Department of Education on our end.  We are hoping to release the application within the next several days so that we can begin awarding dollars to you. Please remember that these funds are not automatic and that you must apply and be determined eligible.  Among the requirements are that you need to have a 19/20 FAFSA on file, have attended classes in spring 2020, and be able to demonstrate that the COVID-19 virus has negatively impacted you and disrupted your path as a community and technical college student.  I do understand that many of you are struggling and I want to assist as soon as I am able to do so.  

Remember if you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out.  We are #HCTCstrong.

Jennifer Lindon
HCTC President   

Dear Students,  

I know there are a lot of uncertainties surrounding the future of our return to campus and face-to-face classes. So, I wanted to let you know the latest decision on reopening our facilities. 

All sixteen colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, including Hazard Community and Technical College, will continue working and teaching remotely until May 18.  This return date could possibly be extended pending recommendations from Governor Beshear. 

We will continue to monitor information from state and federal agencies to make the best decision possible for you and your safety.  While many of you will complete the spring semester with us remotely, others still need to complete spring face-to-face lab hours and clinicals. We will continue to communicate with you on this and get you back on campus to complete, just as soon as it is safe to do so. For those of you who are graduating this spring, we have postponed our commencement ceremony and are exploring new possible dates and times.  We will communicate with you once the decision is made for us to be permitted to hold large events.  

Thank you again for your flexibility, patience, and  resilience! I know this has been tough on you but we will get through this together.  We are #HCTCstrong, #HCTCproud! 

Jennifer Lindon

HCTC President


These past few weeks have been tough on everyone. In addition to upheaval of classes and college as we knew how from the pandemic, we were also hit with a natural disaster. On Monday when we awoke to most of our service region without power, we decided to do an “emergency close”, which seemed odd given that our buildings were already closed from the pandemic. We did this to allow students, faculty and staff the time to pause their worries about work and school and focus on managing homes and lives without electricity. On Tuesday and the remainder of the week we will remain open in a remote setting, but we do understand there are many staff, faculty and students still without power and water. With that we ask for flexibility, compassion and caring as residents of Eastern Kentucky. Recognize some students, faculty and staff may not have the ability to respond via email or phone. We are moving forward with those who can and will allow those who cannot right now the chance to catch up when power is restored. We will get through this together. Not all of your faculty may be from the area and were not aware of the additional challenges HCTC students faced this week. We did notify all of the colleges in KCTCS to please be understanding of delays in communications from students, staff and faculty as we manage the additional crisis. Please contact your instructor with challenges you are having with completing your coursework to discuss options, such as an incomplete grade.

You may have noticed that some universities are offering the option of students to receive a pass/fail grade in lieu of the traditional grading scale. Please note that KCTCS is not doing this. The main reason is to protect our students. As we serve as transfer out institutions, many universities do not accept Pass/Fail grades when students transfer. We do not want to harm our students in anyway.

HCTC administration is united as a team to assist you. Please let me know what questions you have and if we can be of any assistance. Stay healthy, safe and #HCTCstrong!

Dr. Jennifer Lindon


Hazard Community and Technical College

Dr. Sandra Kiddoo

Chief Academic Officer

Hazard Community and Technical College

Germaine Shaffer

Vice President of Student Services

Hazard Community and Technical College

HCTC Open April 14th

Dear Hazard Community and Technical College Students, 

Much of HCTCs service area now has power. Therefore, HCTC is open on regular schedule remotely today to assist students. I have asked faculty to be flexible with those students who still don’t have power. Communication is key here so if you are without power or Internet and are still able to see this, please communicate your situation with instructors as soon as you can. Some of our faculty and staff don’t have power either so please be patient if you can’t reach someone. Please email me if you have any questions. These are trying times and HCTC is here for you.

Jennifer Lindon

HCTC President

Dear Hazard Community and Technical College Students, 

First of all, THANK YOU!  Thank you for hanging in there with us and staying strong during challenging times! With the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise in Eastern Kentucky, I encourage you not to give up on your educational goals. Reach out if you need help. We will try to assist you with whatever your needs may be. You will get through this semester. We will be flexible with you.  All I ask is that you communicate with us.  Keep an eye on your email, Facebook, the KCTCS app, and our web page.  Many updates and resources can be found at . 

At the top of the page, it says," For Academic and Student Resources, Click HERE. " On this link, are  MANY helpful resources for you, as well as information on registration. While you are at home, it is a good time to think about summer and fall classes and many of our summer classes are online. 

Below are a few reminders/updates on how we will proceed during the next few weeks: 

  • HCTC is still open, classes are still being taught, and you are still enrolled. HCTC will offer  online/remote classroom instruction through the last day of instruction on May 2nd and use online/remote assessment during the regular final exam week of May 4 – 10.  Therefore, all classes that are currently being offered online/remotely will continue to be offered online/remotely. WiFi is available in all HCTC campus parking lots.  If you have Internet or computer issues, please reach out to us.

  • HCTC will provide lab/technical/clinical instruction as soon as the Governor authorizes a return to a face-to-face learning environment. As of now, we are following President Trump's order to practice social distancing up through April 30. This means the lab/technical classes will begin again after April 30.  HCTC may place students in clinical sites as soon as the site allows students into the healthcare facility. This could be prior to April 30 if the site/facility allows.

  • HCTC will provide an opportunity for students to complete labs/clinicals as quickly as possible during the term.  If facilities are not allowed to reopen within the spring term, or if students need additional access to lab facilities and to technical equipment after the spring term ends, the College will enroll the students using a non-credit course offering.  This will provide an enrollment with no tuition charged to the student and will cover any insurance/liability issues.

  • Any regular summer term classes can start after May 13 or later as College labs become available.  HCTC's first summer term is not set to start until June 1, allowing for time in May to make up needed spring technical lab hours.

  • Spring Commencement ceremonies have been postponed with a decision on new dates to come later this spring.

  • HCTC is open and services can be obtained remotely though email, phone call, etc. Buildings are currently closed.  We will continue to work and provide student services virtually until the campuses reopen on a regular schedule. Again, this is expected to be after April 30.  

Check out our Facebook challenge and post a photo of you completing your education remotely and staying #HCTCstrong.  Also, we are participating in the community bear hunts on the Lees College and Hazard Campuses.  You can drive through and have your children spot the bears and the HCTC Pathfinders.  

As always, please reach out if you have questions. We will work with you individually to help you complete your classes and achieve your educational goals. Continue to stay home, stay healthy, and stay safe. Stay #HCTCstrong!  


Dr. Jennifer Lindon

Dear Hazard Community and Technical College Students, 

This has been a trying time for all of us, but particularly for you as a student adjusting to the sudden shift to remote classes and services.  I want to reassure you, that Hazard Community and Technical College remains dedicated to supporting you while keeping all of us safe and healthy. 

The needed response to COVID-19 has been changing on almost an hourly-basis, but leaders of colleges and universities across the state have kept in close contact to make sure that we are developing protocols in unison with one another.  These partnerships during this time of upheaval give me confidence that we will be able to give our students the quality education they deserve. 

I wanted to give you some updates on how we will proceed during the next few weeks:


  • HCTC will offer only online/remote classroom instruction through the last day of instruction on May 2nd and use online/remote assessment during the regular final exam week of May 4 – 10.
  • HCTC will provide lab/technical/clinical instruction as soon as the Governor authorizes a return to a face-to-face learning environment.  HCTC may place students in clinical sites as soon as the site allows students into the healthcare facility.

  • HCTC will provide an opportunity for students to complete labs/clinicals as quickly as possible during the term.  If facilities are not allowed to reopen within the term, or if students need additional access to lab facilities and to technical equipment after the term ends, the College will enroll the students using a non-credit course offering.  This will provide an enrollment with no tuition charged to the student and will cover any insurance/liability issues. 

Any regular summer term classes can start after May 13 or later as College labs become available.  This date may be affected by the pandemic response through the Governor’s Office.  


  • Spring Commencement ceremonies have been postponed with a decision on new dates to come later this spring. 


  • HCTC will remain open on a limited basis with limited in-person services. We will continue to provide student services virtually until the campuses reopen on a regular schedule. 

HCTC continues to assess the time when each campus can fully reopen its facilities to students and the public and return to normal operations.  

HCTC faculty and staff will continue to work from home through April 17 or until the campuses can reopen on a regular schedule. 

As always, please reach out if you have questions.  We will work with you individually to help you complete your classes and achieve your educational goals. I know that the last couple of weeks have been tough for all of us.  But we have all taken on this challenge and continue to find new ways to help you, our students, and our community.  Thank you for your commitment to your studies, and I ask that you continue to stay home, stay healthy, and stay safe. Stay HCTC Strong. 

Dr. Jennifer Lindon

Hello HCTC Students, 

I have heard from a few of you.  Hang in there with us!  As COVID-19 cases are beginning to be confirmed in Eastern Kentucky, I am following the advice of Governor Beshear regarding social distancing and limiting exposure to others. While the following is a decision I did not want to make, it is one I must make for your health and safety.  After tomorrow, March 25, the open computer labs on the Hazard, Technical, and Lees College Campuses will be closed.  We will still have WIFI available and campus parking lots are available for you to utilize Internet while in your vehicles.  We will open the labs back up as soon as we are informed it is safe to do so.  Please remember our faculty and staff are here for you and want to see you succeed. We will be flexible with you, as long as you communicate your situation with us.  Communication is key.  If you are struggling, let us help.   If you have no way to access a computer or Internet, please call us. We will do all we can to assist in your situation. Don’t forget YOU are HCTC Strong.


Below is an earlier note and important resources that went out from our Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Sandra Kiddoo.  


As you know, we are in unusual times. We are finding that a very different lifestyle presents unanticipated professional and personal challenges and stresses. Your courses at HCTC should not be one of them. Our faculty are working with you on flexibility for assignments.  Should you have challenges accessing and completing materials work with your instructor. If you can’t get your work done because of our challenging times in by the end of the semester, we’ll work around it. If you have other issues course related, we’ll work around those as well. Stay healthy. Stay safe. For now, that means stay away from others.  You will find a wealth of information here.  Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) I have also included some valuable information from Dr. Ella Strong on online learning support.


Dr. Sandra Kiddoo

Chief Academic Officer

Hazard Community and Technical College

One Community College Drive

Hazard, KY 41701 

Office: 606-487-7090


Online Learning Support for Students

Any students who have questions about or issues with online learning and technology may access the Online Learning Support Classroom on Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 7:00-9:00 p.m. You will enter your name, test your mic and video (if you have one). You can also chat. If you have a smart/mobile device, you can download the Blackboard Collaborate App.


Here is the full link to the online learning support classroom:


Students may also contact the HCTC Online Learning team using the following email: with any questions or issues. If you have course content specific questions, please contact the instructor.


HCTC Website: 


Learn On Demand: 

Dr. Jennifer Lindon
HCTC President

Hello HCTC Students, 

Your health and safety is important to us, as well as helping your achieve your educational goals! For this reason, Hazard Community and Technical College has moved all courses online effective March 18 – March 27.  We will re-evaluate the coronavirus situation at that time. Please monitor your student email, Facebook, and our web page for more details. You may also receive a phone call from your instructors. While I understand navigating online courses and services can be challenging, we are here to help! All HCTC faculty and staff are still available during our normal operating hours and can be reached via email or phone. We will continue to send out additional information, helpful tips, and details. 

Below are some of HCTC’s important items/updates to make note of. 

  • While all in-person classes and activities on campuses have been canceled. HCTC Campuses are not closed. To respect your safety and health, we have limited entry on each campus to one building and one door.  The open building will be the one where the open student computer lab is located.  Students will be able to go to the computer lab. They also will be able to dial from a speaker phone to the number of the office they wish to connect with.  Someone will answer! There will be a large sign with phone numbers listed.
  • Buildings/Entrances that are open to students include Hazard Campus: Jolly Classroom Center Front Entrance, Lees College Campus Telford Center College Avenue Entrance, Technical Campus Devert Owens Building Circle Entrance.
  • The Knott County and Leslie County Campuses will be closed with signs posted on the doors with numbers to call.
  • There will be a computer lab open for student use on the Lees, Hazard, and Technical Campuses. The Hazard Campus lab will be open on Tuesday nights.  We will monitor usage, disinfect at regular intervals, and social distancing will be practiced. Computer lab hours are as follows:
  • Lees College Campus Telford Center Room 202 Computer Lab is open Monday – Thursday, 9 AM to 12 PM, 1 PM to 4 PM
  • HCTC Technical Campus Devert Owens Building Room 109 Computer Lab is open Monday – Thursday, 9 AM to 12 PM, 1 PM to 4 PM
  • Hazard Campus Jolly Classroom Center Computer Lab Room 108 is open Monday – Thursday, 9 AM to 12 PM, 1 PM to 4 PM, Tuesday Night, 5 –  7 PM.
  • The Leslie County Computer Lab will only be open by appointment only please call 606-487-3090
  • All HCTC Campuses have WIFI available in their parking lots available for your use.  

Please let us know if you have questions.  And students, help each other. You can do this.  We are HCTC Strong!

Hello HCTC Students, 

First, I want to thank you for your patience and understanding during this uncertain time. Your health and safety is of utmost importance to us. In an effort to continue our mission of education about coronavirus, I have attached CDC workplace-school-and-home guidelines.  The Kentucky Community and Technical College System and Hazard Community and Technical College leadership are carefully monitoring information and directives from the Centers for Disease Control, the Governor’s Office, and the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education—the state coordinating agency for higher education.  As you are aware, all HCTC in-person classes were canceled today, March 16 and tomorrow, March 17. All online classes are on regular schedule for today and tomorrow. 

HCTC will be placing all course content online effective March 18 – March 27.  Please watch for emails and communication from your instructors and program coordinators!! Classes are not canceled, just moving online temporarily. The situation with the coronavirus will be re-evaluated on March 27 to determine if we can resume in-person classes. As of now, all KCTCS colleges are continuing to have our doors open in various fashions to continue offering limited services to students.  For example, HCTC will have computer labs available for student use (practicing social distancing and all safety precautions) on the Lees, Hazard, and Technical Campuses.  Please continue to monitor your student email, HCTC Facebook, and the HCTC webpage at for continued updates and details. 

HCTC will continue its mission to provide education to the citizens of our region so they can continue their path to a better life. Hang in there and we will get you through this semester! 

Please contact me if you have questions or you can call us at 1-800-246-7521. While we have limited services available on campuses, you can still reach us by phone and email as well.

Dr. Jennifer Lindon
President HCTC


We are facing extraordinary and challenging times.  All  Hazard Community and Technical College in-person classes scheduled for Monday March 16th and Tuesday March 17th are canceled in order for our faculty to prepare for alternative instruction and moving content online.  All online classes will continue as scheduled.   HCTC in-person classes will also not meet from March 18th through March 27th.   However, you will have alternative online instruction and will be expected to complete those tasks and assignments.  Please watch your email for information from your instructors on your activities for the next two weeks.   HCTC faculty will be utilizing a variety of learning activities through distance technologies.  Students who have required contact hours and in-seat time may have times extended when we return.  This will be evaluated on a case- by- case basis with the individual accrediting body.


For students who do not have access to a smart phone, computer or internet, HCTC campuses will have computer labs available as follows: 


Lees College Campus-Telford Room 202, Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm and  1 pm to 4 pm
Technical Campus-Devert Owens Room 109, Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm and  1 pm to 4 pm
Hazard Campus-Jolly Classroom Center Room 108, Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm and  1 pm to 4 pm and Tuesday from 5-7 pm
Leslie County Center-Room 301 Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm

All students coming to campus are asked to enter through the main entrances and follow signs.  Hand sanitizer will be available and computers will be disinfected between each use. 


HCTC is expected to resume in-person classes March 30.

Dr. Jennifer Lindon
President HCTC

Our administration, faculty, and staff are taking preparations around COVID-19 very seriously. At this time, we are evaluating our options and in communication with state and local health agencies. Should any decisions to alter the regular class schedule or move temporarily online be made, they will be quickly communicated to students and the community. HCTC will evaluate all external events scheduled on our campuses on a case-by-case basis. Cancellation decisions will be determined based on consultation with community partners and local health officials. No external events have been cancelled at this time. HCTC students are currently on spring break but classes will resume March 16.

Dr. Jennifer Lindon
President HCTC


What Every American and Community Can Do Now to Decrease the Spread of the Coronaviurs

CDC Workplace-School-and-Home-Guidance (PDF)

State of Kentucky COVID-19 Website and Hotline

The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services has prepared resources on when to seek care, how to prevent becoming ill, who is most at risk, and up-to-date status of the COVID-19 situation in the state. A hotline for questions regarding the virus in the state is available at 800-722-5725. 

Kentucky Department of Public Health

The Kentucky Department for Public Health continues to closely monitor the international situation concerning the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This respiratory disease was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China on December 31, 2019. Since that time, it has spread throughout China and to many other countries. Public health officials in Kentucky are monitoring individuals who meet certain exposure criteria to limit the introduction of COVID-19 in Kentucky. They are also are preparing for the possibility that the virus begins to spread in the commonwealth.

Kentucky Health Departments 

Colleges are encouraged to visit the websites of their local health departments and coordinate with them for guidance related to cases in their area.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the leading public health agency for the United States and has all the current information related to COVID-19.  You will find facts about symptoms of the virus and what to do if you become sick, tips on how to prevent the spread of the virus, and answers to frequently asked questions.

The U.S. Department of State

The U.S. Department of State provides an updated list of travel advisories.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE

This web-based interactive dashboard tracks the spread of COVID-19 in real time. It is hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


updated 7/21/2020