Cash Handling | HCTC

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All HCTC Campuses will be closed Tuesday 2-18-25. All activities and classes, day and night, are cancelled.

Cash Handling

Cash Handling Procedures

Responsibility for handling cash is assigned to individual employees who participate in any cash handling function and to their supervisors. Each person who receives cash has a responsibility to ensure the security of cash and to create an audit trail that will permit tracking of such cash. Cash handlers are given a cash handling procedures manual which they are instructed to read and sign a verification form that they have read the procedures.

Access to cash is limited and funds are kept secured at all times at all cash handling locations. Unauthorized personnel are not permitted in areas where cash is handled and daily reconciliation of cash is done behind locked doors. All money received is counted and verified before it is placed in cash drawers. Upon receipt of cash, a pre-numbered hand written cash receipt or a PeopleSoft receipt is issued and then secured in locked boxes or locked cash drawers. Checks are accepted only for the amount owed to the College and are immediately stamped for "deposit only upon receipt at each cash handling location. Deposits are made daily by the Business Office if they exceed $200 and at least weekly regardless of the amount. At the close of each day all funds are reconciled with the daily receipts. Bank deposits are prepared and then verified and initialed by a department employee.

HCTC Cash Handling Procedures

HCTC Cash Handling Quiz

KCTCS Business Procedures Manual 3.12 Cash Accounting