Giving Tuesday
Today, December 1, 2020, Hazard Community and Technical College is a participating organization in the worldwide Giving Tuesday Charitable Event. This event occurs annually and is a global celebration of giving. We know that 2020 has been exceptionally hard on our HCTC students and many of you have helped our students in a number of ways including food donations and contributing to our student emergency fund.
Please consider continuing to help HCTC support student success by clicking on the link below and making a donation. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Donate Here
Hazard Community and Technical College is located in Hazard, Kentucky and serves eight counties with five different campus locations. The college enrolls thousands of students each year and without HCTC most would never be able to obtain a college education. By attending HCTC they are able to experience many benefits including smaller classroom sizes and more support from their instructors, as well as being able to work while taking classes, and opportunities to reach out to the community.
More than 90% of HCTC students receive some sort of Financial Assistance. Each year between 600-800 full-time, part-time and High School Dual Enrolled students from all five campuses apply for scholarship assistance. Of those that apply, HCTC is only able to award approximately 200 scholarships. As you can see, we have many more students that need Scholarship Aid than we are able to provide assistance for.
HCTC helps students facing financial hardships in other ways as well, such as with our student emergency funds. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased students' needs and our student emergency fund has been depleted. Your contributions will also assist HCTC in supporting our students in their greatest time of need so that they can continue their educational path.
Because of this we are encouraging our friends, as well as those who are just learning about us through this Day of Giving to help us SUPPORT OUR STUDENTS. Every dollar that you donate will go to help students achieve their dreams and better their lives. Help us make a difference in our students' lives!
The Hazard Independent College Foundation is a 501c3 incorporated charitable educational foundation that was established solely for the purpose of supporting and promoting Hazard Community and Technical College.