Curriculum Map – Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE)
All baccalaureate degree seeking students must complete a minimum of 33 hours of general education courses which includes:
FYS 101 – First Year Seminar MATH 123, 131, 135, 152, 174 or 175* COMS 108 – Fund. Of Speech Communication Knowledge – Arts & Humanities (HUM) Knowledge – Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) |
ENG 100 – Writing I ENG 200 – Writing II Knowledge – Natural Science (NSC; select 2) Global Cultures – Arts & Humanities (HUM) Ethics & Civil Engagement – Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) |
The approved NSC, HUM, and SBS course list is located in the current MSU Undergraduate
*If applicable, specific mathematics course required for degree shown below.
✔ | Fall Semester | KCTCS | Credits | ✔ | Spring Semester | KCTCS | Credits |
FYS 101 First Year Seminar | SBS GEN. ED. | 3 | EDF 207 Foundations of Education | EDU 201 | 3 | ||
ENG 100 Writing I | ENG 101 | 3 | ENG 200 Writing II | ENG 102 | 3 | ||
COMS 108 Fund. of Speech Communication | COM 181 or COM 252 | 3 | NSC #1 AGR 185, ASTR 105 or 112 or 125, BIOL 105 or 110 or 155 or 171 or 234, CHEM 101 or 111, ESS 102 or 108, ETM 104 or 201, GEO 103, MATH 125, NUTR 101, PHYS 109, PSY/NEUR 121, SCI/ETM/PHYS/SSE 123, or SCI 111 or 104 | NSC GEN. ED. | 3 | ||
MATH 131, 135, 152, 174 or 175 | MAT 110 MAT 146, or MAT 150 |
3 | SBS Knowledge: ECON 101 or 201, EDF 207, FIN 264, HLTH 151, HST 261, POLS 100 or 140, PSY 154, or SOC 101 *PSY 154 Preferred | SBS GEN. ED. *PSY 110 |
3 | ||
HUM Knowledge: ART 160, ENG 120 or ENG 211/IST 211, FLM 170, HST 271, MUSH 261, PHIL 100, or THEA 110 | HUM GEN. ED | 3 | HUM Global Cultures: ART 263, COMS 250 or 290, FRN 101, IST 101 or 250, PHIL 106, POLS 110, or SPA 101 | HUM GEN. ED. | 3 | ||
Total Credit Hours | 15 | Total Credit Hours | 15 |
✔ | Fall Semester | KCTCS | Credits | ✔ | Spring Semester | KCTCS | Credits |
EDEC 254 Preschool Administration | IEC 240 | 3 | EDSP 230 Ed. Except. Child | EDP 203 or IEC 235 | 3 | ||
EDF 211 Human Growth & Dev. or EDEC 253 Child Growth & Dev. | EDP 202 or IEC 130 | 3 | EDEE 305 Learning Theories & Practices in Early Elem. | IEC 180 | 3 | ||
ART 121 School Art | ART 208 | 3 | IECE 311 Intro. Early Child. Ed. | IEC 101 | 3 | ||
SBS Ethics & Civ. Eng.: APS 201 CVM 210 GST 273 PHIL 103 PLS 200 POLS 177 or 262 SOC 203 | SBS GEN. ED. | 3 | IECE 361 Positive Child Guidance | IEC 200 | 3 | ||
ESS 112/112L or SCI 111/111L | GLY 101 & 111 or PHY 171 or PHY 151 & PHY 161 | 3 | MUSE 222 Music for Elem. Teachers | MUS 223 | 3 | ||
BIOL 110/110L *If not completed for NSC Gen. Ed. requirement | BIO 112 & BIO 113 | 3 | |||||
Total Credit Hours | 15 | Total Credit Hours | 15-18 |
✔ | Fall Semester | KCTCS | Credits | ✔ | Spring Semester | KCTCS | Credits |
EDSP 350 Intellect. & Dev. Disabilities | 3 | EDSP 370 Assess Students with MSD | 3 | ||||
EDEE 327 Lit. & Materials for Young Reader | EDU 270 | 3 | EDSP 371 Field Exp. Assess Students with MSD | 3 | |||
EDEC 255 Assessment of Young Child | IEC 170 | 3 | EDSP 363 Assistive Technology | 3 | |||
IECE 360 Role of Family in Early Childhood | IEC 210 | 3 | IECE 301 At Risk Infants & Toddlers | 3 | |||
IECE 416 Infant/Toddler Program Planning | 3 | EDEC 412 Kindergarten Curriculum | 3 | ||||
IECE 418 Preschool Program Plan. | 3 | ||||||
Total Credit Hours | 15 | Total Credit Hours | 16 |
✔ | Fall Semester | KCTCS | Credits | ✔ | Spring Semester | KCTCS | Credits |
EDSP 320 Language Dev. & Intervention for Young Child | 3 | IECE 425 Clinical Practice | 12 | ||||
IECE 345 Preschoolers/Spec. Needs | 3 | EDEM 499C Senior Seminar | 3 | ||||
SWK 315 or SWK 358 | 3 | ||||||
HLTH 301 Health, Safety, & Nutrition Early Elem. | 3 | ||||||
NSC #2: AGR 185, ASTR 105 or 112 or 125, BIOL 105 or 110 or 155 or 171 or 234, CHEM 101 or 111, ESS 102 or 108, ETM 104 or 201, GEO 103, MATH 125, NUTR 101, PHYS 109, PSY/NEUR 121, SCI/ETM/PHYS/SSE 123, or SCI 111 or 104 *Or elective if using SCI 111 for NSC Gen. Ed. requirement |
3 | ||||||
Total Credit Hours | 15 | Total Credit Hours | 15 |
Courses in BOLD text require TEP admission
All baccalaureate degree seeking students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours
Revised: March 9, 2021
Admission, Exit, and Certification Information for all Teacher Preparation Programs
Teacher Education Program Admission Requirements:
Program Requirements:
- Admission to MSU with an assigned academic advisor.
- Pursuance of program completion leading to teacher certification.
- Completion of at least 30 credit hours.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale; or a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on the last thirty (30) credit hours. All college courses attempted must be a part of the applicant’s MSU transcript. Transcripts must reflect all transfer coursework completed to the date. All transfer courses, as well as MSU credit, are used in calculating GPA.
- Completion of the following five core courses with grades of “C” or better:
- ENG 100 Writing I
- Mathematics General Education Requirement (MATH 131, MATH 135, MATH 152, MATH 174, or MATH 175, as required by program)
- COMS 108 Fundamentals of Speech Communication
- EDF 207 Foundations of Education (CTE and Agriculture Teaching candidates may substitute CTE 207)
- EDF 211 Human Growth & Development (IECE candidates may substitute EDEC 253)
Testing Requirements:
TEP candidates must obtain the following scores on the ACT exam:
- Composite score of 22 or the corresponding minimum scores: Reading (20), English (18),
and Mathematics (19),
OR, the following scores on the Praxis I Core Skills for Educators exam: - Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined 5752 Computer or
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics 5733 Computer (Minimum score 150) and
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading 5713 Computer (Minimum score 156) and
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 5723 Computer (Minimum score 162)
An applicant may use a combination of ACT and Praxis I minimum scores to meet testing requirements. If an applicant is within five points of one or more of the corresponding minimum scores of the Praxis I assessments, the candidate may be admitted if the candidate has a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. For information about the praxis exams and to register for the test, please visit the PRAXIS website: http://www.ets.org/praxis.
Clinical Practice and Graduation Exit Requirements:
- The candidate must complete a minimum of 200 hours of clinical field experiences in a variety of PreK-12 school settings prior to the clinical practice semester.
- The candidate must maintain a 2.75 grade point average (GPA), on a 4.0 scale, for the following GPA calculations: cumulative GPA, MSU GPA, professional education GPA, and content or component area(s) GPA.
- The candidate must demonstrate professional growth through key assessments evaluated throughout the program;
- The candidate must successfully complete the clinical practice semester.
Candidates who have completed the clinical practice semester and have met all other program requirements for graduation are eligible for teacher certification once they obtain passing scores on the required PRAXIS II content area tests and the PRAXIS Principles of Learning and Teaching test. Candidates must complete an application for Kentucky Teacher Certification.
PRAXIS Disclaimer:
Kentucky educator certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the PRAXIS test(s), please check the Educational Professional Standards Board website at www.epsb.ky.gov for current test requirements and for minimum passing scores. You may also contact the Division of Professional Learning and Assessment at (502) 564-5778.