See what opportunities await you as a HCTC Alumni.
Are you a graduate from or have you attended Hazard Community and Technical College? Maybe you are a current student. If so, you are a HCTC Alumni. Perhaps you are a friend or parent or just want to be involved and support HCTC. You can also be a part of our Alumni program.
In January 2011, HCTC embarked on developing an Alumni program which will serve to link students and graduates with each other as well as with the college. The Alumni programs mission is to connect Alumni with each other and to engage Alumni in activities and events that strengthen interest in and support of all the campuses of Hazard Community and Technical College.
You can help us further develop our program by joining our Alumni Directory, telling us about yourself, and informing us of opportunities, time or talents you may have which will benefit existing students. For instance, as a HCTC Alumni who is now employed, you or your employer may be interested in internships or mentoring opportunities as well as you may be looking to hire the perfect employee. Our Alumni program can connect you with the students or graduates that need your help.